Saturday, August 14, 2010

If Laura Queen of the Universe ever reads this....

Well, I just re-read my own blog posts. *Sigh*, even tho I used spell check, not only did some words escape the change, but my grammar desperately needs attention! My youngest daughter, author of the blog Laura, Queen of the Universe,, is very particular when it comes to spelling and grammar, so hopefully, she will forgive me for my misgivings. So, now that I have recognized this awful trait of mine, I will be a little more careful in proofreading my posts. After all, I always am the one complaining about typos, spellings and horrible grammar in things such as newspapers, things on t.v., etc. Oh, and if you are so inclined, stop by her blog and give it a whirl. She is a wonderful writer, and discusses many, if personal, subjects. And now, because my wonderful husband Robert is starting to just nod and smile at me, I guess I better get to posting my rants more often. Peace